After such a crazy summer it was nice to get out of town and spend some time with family again. This year was our turn to head down to Manchester for the feast. While I missed my fam, it was so great to see everybody in Jason's family!
BJ and Sandi got a new puppy who stole the show…little Juniper.
She was at first a little scared and then super interested in what Maddie and Tobi were up to. Maddie, having helped us raise Tobi was great with the pup, but Tobi who is essentially an 85 lb. baby was a little "touchy." Especially when she got near his sensitive toes.
He was actually pretty scared of her. It was a lesson in teaching both the puppy boundaries and the dog not to be rude.
But with this kind of treatment, it's no wonder that he's spoiled.
Maddie, who runs a little hot, turned out to be a good door-sock.
And yes, our fascination with frying things finally took over Thanksgiving. Now that we have our own frying pot, it was time to cook the bird Texas-style. Jason's little MacGuyver move did the trick in keeping he and BJ from getting splashed with boiling oil.
It was deelicious. And we had a great time. Nothing better than good friends and good family!