My mullet

Yup, I sported a mullet back then. I can't wait to send this to Kate, one of my best friends who was actually just over yesterday for a visit while she's home from Seattle. Kate is just finishing her PhD in chemistry (super smarty pants) and goes back after Thanksgiving to defend. So proud of her… I think playing softball was really when we became friends so funny timing that this photo should pop up. We seemed to have different opinions about tucked vs. untucked.
I don't remember too much about the team, but I vaguely recall being some kind of champions?! Of course we were…
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Hi-ho...love the mullet..lol. I was looking at your picture and I thought I saw one of the kids looking like a friend of mine...Katie Godin, then reading your post you talked about your friend Kate. What her last name Godin, and in fact I saw her correctly in the photo..?
Yup, that's her. I didn't know you knew Kate?